Going crazy...5 weeks till ultrasound

I’m 7+2 and I feel like I’m going crazy as the only thing I want is to see my baby and hear their heartbeat. My ultrasound is booked for the end of next month and I will be 12+5. I just want to know my baby is ok 😭 I’m a ftm so this is all new to me, I just need reassurance. My midwife said that I didn’t need a dating scan as I knew when my last period was and I’m only having a scan at 12 weeks to test for Down syndrome (optional test), otherwise I would have had to wait until I’m 20 weeks.

How do I cope?? 😔

Edit: all places that do ultrasounds in my country only do them for medical purposes and testing (eg you can’t pay and get one done cause you want one)