TTC & don't know what I'm doing wrong...


Hi everyone! We've been TTC for almost 5yrs., & I'll be 36 on Sept. 27th! I am scared it won't happen naturally, or at all, for me/us. I just ordered Preseed, & we have never tried Anything, (but BD😉) & wanted to ask if anyone has Any advice on how to get my BFP ASAP?! I am adopted from birth, & it would mean the world to have a child of my "own." I'd love to adopt Also, but it means a lot to me & my husband (together since 2014, married June 24, 2019💕) to have a child, especially b/c I miscarried many many years ago💔. My question is: What are we doing wrong? I don't know about/what options there are to conceive "over the counter," or even any superstitions?! I'll take Any & All advice I can get. I am so scared I will Never be a "Momma," & that's all I want in this life. I know everyone in this community always comes through, & I'm really hoping this is my time🤲🙏🛐

(Lol took me years to learn the acronyms!)