K 🩷 • 💙👼🏼💙💙 27 so grateful for any gifts 💕

In November of 2018, I had a miscarriage. I was around 6w 5d. we waited a few months before we started trying again, not really “trying” more so if it happens, it happens lol. well this month we’ve really been trying. my last period was July 8th to July 12th. I still have yet to get my period, haven’t had much cramps but i’ve been so bloated the last like 2 weeks. However, I keep getting negative tests. I’m gonna wait another week to see if AF decides to visit before I go get bloodwork done. I had one test (One Step DG Test) that came back with a faint line that was a lot skinnier than it should be (evap line) and every test before and after that has been negative. Testing again in the morning with FMU. I just HATE the waiting game.

(took this test around 2:30pm)

* this is also the first blue dye test i’ve taken.