Do you think it should be 50/50?

So let me just start off by saying I know my husband works his ass off for our family. He works 3 jobs. I am a stay at home mom. I do have a part time job.

So my issue I have is I think that my husband should have to help out around the house as well. Not just me. I don’t ask him to do much at all. I think he should take out the trash, and do dishes, and maybe help with laundry every now and then. THATS IT. I’m not asking him to cook, vacuum, dust or do any of the other house chores. I only ask that he does 2 maybe three things around the house. Most of the time I do the dishes after I cook anyways. So it’s not like there’s a lot to do.

Well, tonight my husband told me that since I only work a part time job on top of taking care of our 3 kids, 10, 6, and 9month old, that I should be doing all the house work that needs to be done around the house. He says that a man shouldn’t have to do household chores. I strongly disagree. First off he lives there too, second off I am not his momma, and third off I take care of my kids 24/7, 365 days a year. He comes home and goes straight to the couch to watch tv. Doesn’t spend much time with his kids at all, or me.

Honestly it isn’t even 50/50 around the house I’m asking for. Maybe 80/20. I don’t mind doing most of the stuff around our home. I just don’t think it should be me and only me. While he sits on the couch and does none of it. What do y’all think? Am I wrong or is he wrong?