Things people shouldn’t say to women TTC


There is a comment that really bugs me! It’s the “oh, you’re still young and you have plenty of time”. I’m 21 and my husband is 33. We had a missed miscarriage on Thanksgiving 2018. Yes I may be young but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t kill me inside that we’ve been trying for a year and all we have to account for is a miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy when all I want is to have a baby to call my own! Bring on the sleepless nights or the chapped nipples, the torn up lady bits or huge abdomen scar and stretch marks. I would take all of that in a heartbeat if it meant I had a healthy baby! Sorry about that I just had to vent a little. Please feel free to share any and all of the things you’ve heard or been told in your TTC journey.