WHAT AM I DOING. Help 😬 *edit

Ftm, unplanned but not unwanted pregnancy.

I thought I'd gotten over the rollercoaster of oh shit I'm pregnant ☺️ and oh shit I'm pregnant 😬 and I did for ages but now I'm in my third, I worked over the feelings, told myself might aswell enjoy it theres no going back and being anxious will ruin the experience and I loved it for ages I worked through all the doubts, wed talked in excess about pregnancy and babys just never thought it would ACTUALLY be happening!!!

I've hit my third trimester, I dont even know where the thought appeared from or why. I looked down to my boobs and an image of a baby attached popped into my head. I had the worst anxiety attack ever.

All I could think was, what am I doing, this is going to change everything, can I do this, I'm going to be responsible for a human being, it's never going to be the same, what if I truelly fuck up, am I even capable, what if I'm too stupid or a shit mum, and so much more, since that night I've had to ignore any thoughts on pregnancy and I've definately gone quiet about it all. Before I was pretty involved with my bump but I just cant shake this feeling of terror. I dont have a choice, I know that, were here, the babys healthy so far, I'm thankful but petrified, the experience is what I make it but holy shit it got me a good one and I canr seem to let it go


Thank you 😭 I'm slowly coming back round and have an earlier appointment with my midwife so I can talk it out and go from there, I really appreciate the support, honestly they may seem like just words but this stranger really appreciates them x