Conscious conception


Alright, I haven’t posted much on here but my husband and I are getting to the point where we want to start trying for kids. I had a non hormonal iud for 10 years and got it out in April. I’ve started reading about the importance of conscious conception and how many women at around a year to 6 months before trying, really start preparing their bodies for pregnancy (exercising more, changing to healthier nutrition, detoxing etc.) I guess I’m nervous as to what degree I should be really planning. I am a vegetarian and an ingredient nazi already, we eat mostly only organic except when we go out once in a while or are just in a situation where we can’t. I use only natural products for the most part for cleaning and beauty routines and don’t smoke. But I do have a few drinks a week and I’m not great at being consistent about exercising. I guess I’m wondering if I should really take more time to stop drinking, maybe lose some weight and really detox from all processed foods etc or whether I’m just being neurotic and I should start trying regardless. Part of me feels like I probably already do more to be safe than some but the other side of me knows I could be healthier if i tried. Be honest with me guys, I need some guidance as to what others have done. Hallllp!