
I am having trouble learning how to breastfeed.

My baby is 5 days old now. The first few days when I had colostrum it was easy. He latched great and there was no issues.

Now that my milk came in, my breasts are engorged and the baby still isn't used to the milk yet and feeds the same amount of time and ends up spitting up a lot after and then crying for more milk and then spitting up. It's like a constant cycle.

I try unlatching him when I think it's been enough and sit him up to let it kind of settle and I wind up emptying the excess in the sink with warm wash cloths.

I tried pumping but he doesnt drink what I pump because he wants the actual boob so it goes to waste anyway.

Idk I know it's only been 5 days but I need some advice to help get a good routine and maybe some tips to make this go more smoothly and if I'm doing something wrong