

Soooo idk how to start this but I've had my period since I was 12 and ever since I turned 15 I always had a regular period but I'm scared it's starting to change.

Last month was the first time in 4 years that it was really late (8 days) and I feel like the same is happening this month too (it was supposed to start today but maybe I'm just paranoid). I've been struggling with acne, extreme hair loss on my head and my body hair is starting to grow a lot faster and darker and I don't know what to do.

I don't wanna go to a doctor yet because I'm the type of person that if I go to doctors they always think I have some kind of serious health problem. In the last year or so I got sent to sooo many specialist because doctors thought I had thyroid problems, type 1 diabetes and epilepsy and I just don't want these health scares to happen anymore.

I would be SOOO grateful if anyone could help me!