Induction day set, husband upset


Ok, so I went to my OB today. I'm still 1 cm at 36+5 weeks. While I was there, she asked if I was willing to be induced at 39 weeks. She said due to babys size and the fact that babies born/births at 39 weeks tend to have less complications, it's recommended but still my choice. I was open to it as long as everything remains on track. She put me down for Sept 5th (original due date is Sept 13th) and said that we could discuss things in more detail at next weeks appt. I told my husband and he got a bit upset. He thinks my dr is doing what's "convenient" for her and not what's best for our son. I tried telling him that's not the case but he is so stubborn. I know natural labor is best but this pregnancy has been so difficult for me. I was just happy to have an official end date. Am I wrong?