How old were you with your first baby?

Recently married (I’ll be 24 in a couple months so pretty young for where I live in the northeast, husband is 23) and we are not currently TTC but we have been keeping the conversation open about it and trying to decide when we would like to begin. My husband is actually much more eager than I am (he would have me pregnant already if I allowed it lol) but we are thinking we will start trying in the fall of 2020 at the earliest so by the time the baby is born (if we got pregnant quickly god willing of course!) we would both be 25. I know I shouldn’t worry about other people and we have to do what is best for us and what will make us happy but I worry about being “too young.” I have always wanted to be a “young” mom and we are married, own a house, and are financially independent and secure. I just worry that it will be weird having kids when our friends aren’t even married or engaged. How old were you when you had your first and if you were “young” how did it make you feel/what was your experience?