Does he sound controlling? Was I wrong

So my ex and I just broke up. I'm tired of him accusing me of cheating, interrogating like he is a detective trying to a solve a crime. Anyways here's what happened so I work at McDonald's I closed. I work from 5pm-1am. I didn't leave until 2am because my Manger was trying to firgue out why she was $300 short. She finally found the money in the safe, and now the system is taking forever to close. He asked me where I'm at. I told him at work. And then he starts questioning me "why are you at work?" are you even clock in? " I told him about the money situation and then he's like" what's a desposit? You aren't making any sense" I tried to call him while I'm at work, he avoids my calls. Then when I'm at home he calls me, and wants to me stay on the phone with him even through he's falling asleep. He's trying to be slick saying " your voice is so smoothing" but he's trying to see if he could hear a guy voice. But joke is on him, I'm at home. Like I just wanted to eat my food and relax. So now me and him are aruging because I don't want to be on the phone with him. So then 3 hours later it's time for him to go to work, and his mom left him. I'm tired asf it's like 6am almost 7am he lives 40 mins away I told him that I'm not going that I'm tired and that I'm low on gas he said he will give me 10 for gas I told him to keep it that I don't want to rely on him for gas because everytime he gives me money he ends up taking it back. I feel like he wants me to do something and then if I don't do it he gets mad at me. He got mad at me because I didn't go to his house. And it's so funny how he accuses me but I caught him flirting with girls online. It's like he sees me as a uber. Like was I wrong for not going? His mom was supposed to take him not me I'm tired asf I see it as this it's not my responsibility to take him to work especially when he was being rude to me it's like when Im with my sister he expects me to go take him somewhere and he lives 40 mins away