Could distance affect relationships

So my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years I’m soon about to be 20 and he’s going to turn 19 too. We live not too far from eachother. To get to my house he takes 30 minutes walking from his and we always do things around where we live because it’s close and when it’s time to go home he always drops me off gives me a kiss and makes sure that I enter my building safely because he gets scared that anyone will harm me. However my parents want to move to Richmond hills which is kind of far from where I live now. It’s about 40-an hour for him to get to me and me to him. I’m so scared that we will break apart because of it. My dad wants to move there because it’s cheaper and he can afford to buy a house. He says that I’ll also be able to use our car to drive around so that’ll help and says that if my boyfriend really loves me he’ll try to see me and still be with me. I know he loves me and I love him too but I’m just scared that things won’t work out because we won’t be living so close anymore. I told them that I don’t want to move but my dad really wants to get the house so he doesn’t care. I’ve been upset for a few days and my parents get mad and tell me that they’ll move to Long Island or New Jersey if I keep it up because apparently where they want to go isn’t too far and I get that so ik that I have to force myself to accept things because I don’t want to leave my boyfriend. Ppl can say that I’m dumb and too young but I’m about to be 20 and Ik what I want. We been together for such a long time so he’s important to me. Any help? Any advice?