This is going to be long - please help

Get ready cause this is a long one. I hope it makes sense.

So, my girl is 7 months old. She wakes 2-3x a night and takes 1-2 hours to go back to sleep.

This is her rough schedule:

Wake 7-8am

1st nap is usually around 9-10 and can either be 30mins or 1.5 hours long

2nd nap depends when she wakes up from the 1st

3rd nap happens sometimes and I wake her up around 430

Starting from 5-530 is dinner, bath, boob, book and bed at 630

Now she normally goes to sleep for the night quite well. We can put her down drowsy but awake and she will fall asleep with ease. It used to be the same for naps too.

Naps she has to be quite relaxed otherwise she'll start rolling around in her cot and scream. (Not cry, scream)

Now first, with naps she now screams when we try to bounce/relax her & screams if she's put in her cot. Then will continue to scream bloody murder even if you pick her up. The only thing that will get her to sleep is boob. Which I really don't want her to get used to but sometimes I even go into tears.

Secondly, night time. Oh god. She will wake anytime between 930-1030 for a feed. Then I put her back in her cot and either straight away or 15 seconds later she will start to cry then scream. It's then up & down over and over again (us rocking her) for up to 2 hours for her to then actually sleep. Then she'll wake around 2am then 430am and it's the same deal.

I have no idea what to do. It's really effecting me mentally, emotionally & physically.

Points to potentially help:

1. She doesn't take a dummy

2. We tried the ferber method, Which got her to not have to be deep asleep to fall asleep. But, the crying never ever decreased overtime

3. Bedsharing is a no for us

4. Honeslty we have kind of tried CIO but after so long of her screaming so much we couldn't do it

Also please no hate. Just a mum needing advice from other mums whom have gone through the same.