Huge clots, 2 week long period. Help??

So a little background info.. It’s not unusual for me to have irregular periods. This particular cycle I went 4 months without a period. I did get a negative preg test maybe a month or so ago so I don’t believe this is a miscarriage. My period started exactly 2 weeks ago. The first few days were just a bit of spotting but then it got much worse. I had super bad cramps and ended up going to the hospital and seen a doctor who completely brushed my pain off and sent me home again. The pain is gone now but it’s been 2 weeks of bleeding now. I also never have blood clots with my period but this time there are SOOO many clots and they’re quite large. It’s kind of scaring me. I asked to see a gyno but the emerg doctor wouldn’t make a referral. I made an appointment myself and the earliest I can get is in December. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone else every went a long time without a period and then had it come on for so long and with lots of clots? I appreciate any insight!!