Neighborhood drama

Hollie • Mom of two boys and Baby #3 born in September!

My husband and I recently bought our first home. Everything was going great until our kids starting fighting with another neighborhood kid... it caused disagreements with the parents and them threatening to harm me and my children. We have shad fo call the police on multiple occasions as well as on another neighbor in our development because they are friends with the neighbor we had to call the police on. My children have been singled out from play with other kids because of the neighborhood children and their parents. This is is disheartening to us and we have never had to deal with this type of situation ever. Has anyone ever been in this type of situation before and what did you do about it? The police have told both parties and us of course to stay away from each other but the kids keep finding ways to antagonize each other and bully my children. We are so lost in all of this! Please help!!! (There is no option to talk it out with the parents) neither household is mature enough to handle this situation without it turning into a huge blow out. My husband and I are completely exhausted!!