Period cycle after pregnancy


Hello! Can you tell me about your period cycle after pregnancy? I had a baby in mid June. I have had one period post pregnancy. I am waiting on my second but am 5 days late. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests (one on the day I was supposed to get my period and one on day 3 of supposed period) which both were negative. TMI We are using condoms but there was a few times where we “slipped it in” without a condom just for a few thrusts and then put a condom on but no ejaculation. I felt like I was going to get my period for a few days but still nothing. I’m breaking out too a little. I am nervous about being pregnant so soon again. I plan on getting another test now that I am 5 days late. Anyways, talk to me about your period cycle and how long it took to get back to normal post baby? Did you miss any periods?