My friend was killed by her boyfriend.

Dev • ⭐️Diagnosed with bicornuate uterus.🤞🏼 Miraculously pregnant with first, due August 2020!❤️

Her name is Perrie.

She had moved to CT from Hawaii to be with him after a long distance relationship. She already had two sons. This weekend she called her sister to tell her they’d gotten into a heated argument and she had been choked to the point of going unconscious.

She didn’t want to get him in trouble. Her sister stopped hearing from her after she told her to call the police. Once she reported her sister missing, police saw that she had called 911 twice and neither call was long enough to track her location.

After being missing a few days, police found remains at a recycling center and after digging up some research, it came out that the boyfriend not only is a manager there... but it gets worse.

He was a unregistered sex offender with a history of domestic violence and assault since 2000. He posted on Facebook after her disappearance “missing you” and actually had the nerve to call the police and tell them she was missing but that she was probably just mad at him. When he was arrested, he denied all allegations because “she was too small” for him to have abused her.

She was 4’11” with beautiful black skin and striking features. She was kind and hardworking and loved her family. She was in the same industry (lashes) as me, so we connected over Instagram and planned get-togethers for our local lash artist community.

I am so deeply disturbed and hurt and sad for my friend. I do not know how to deal with this kind of grief. We weren’t best friends, but knowing that someone I regularly was in touch with had this secret home life that was so toxic is hard to take in.

I just feel so sorry that she was so young and came from such a beautiful place to try and find love and a better life. I’m so angry that domestic violence is so prevalent and that 1/8 women will be abused by a boyfriend or family member. I wish I would have been someone she could ask for help and I know I would have done everything to do so.

Ladies, please feel free to reach out if your relationships are toxic or dangerous even in a questionable way. Don’t wait for it to escalate or make excuses or worry about getting them in trouble. You deserve to be HAPPY and SAFE and LOVED and HANDLED GENTLY with DIGNITY.

I hope her ex rots in a pit. I can’t begin to imagine the sickness in him. I can’t begin to even understand how you can do that to someone so sweet and special.

I’m so heartbroken. Rest easy, sweet girl. I hope you are warm on a breezy beach, home where you belong. ❤️