Cyst from pregnancy

Nakita • 30 years old, Married Baby 1- June 2015, Baby 2- October 2016, Baby 3- March 2018! Baby 4 October 2019
So at 7wks pregnant they noticed I had a small cyst,which they said was normal from the hormones. At my 20 week ultrasound they said it was now 4cm but it was normal and would likely go away. They decided to check it again at 32wks and they said it had grown to 8cm and if I had a csection they would remove it, if I had a vaginal birth they would follow up with me. Well they never followed up so I mentioned something at my 6week checkup. They had forgot ! Got another ultrasound since. Its now 11 cm and still growing(the size of a flipping softball!!) My LO is 4 months now. I could lose my right ovary because of this!! Has anyone else experienced a cyst like this?