Glucose test gone wrong

Abigail • Recent newlywed, stepmom of 2. Mom to babygirl Parker ❤️

So like many of you I had the joy of doing my glucose test this morning. This whole pregnancy I have had a tough time with eating in the morning and the drink, although not quite as bad as I thought was tough for me to choke down. I managed to get it down and wait the hour to get my blood drawn. I had planned on getting Starbucks on my way into work this morning (they have a yummy ham and cheese croissant that I just recently tried) so I get my coffee and croissant and start making my hour and 20 minute commute to work. Well 15 minutes into the ride (and after my croissant has been devoured) I start feeling the pukes coming on. Mind you I'm on the expressway and there is no pulling over for me and no stopping the vomit that is coming. I try to grab some napkins but the vomit keeps coming and within 30 seconds I'm driving and now have vomit all over myself.....As I had vomit dripping down my face I thought to myself well.. I really hope I passed this test because I don't want to have to do it again with the 3 hour 🤣

There is no moral to this story other than hoping you might get a chukle off of my misfortunes and can relate to the struggle of being pregnant ❤️