Routine appointment leads to heartbeat


I went for a routine appointment n ended up leaving heartbroken. Last week I had my first sonogram and the tech told my husband and I that everything was fine. Fast forward to today I go for a check up to be officially added to the prenatal list and they can't find a heart beat. They send me downstairs for a full exam and the tech says the baby has no heart beat and hasn't grown since last week and last week the heartbeat was slowed. She never told us this last week and now instead getting ready to tell my friends and family I'm desperately trying to find some will to power on. My husband just packed up all the newborn diapers he had bought and is taken them back to the store. N my heart is aching and I don't know what to do. It's only been a few hours but I feel like the world has stopped moving. I don't even think I felt this dad the 1st time but it's really hitting me more now