Worried about period issues

Hello ladies! This might sound stupid to others, but I just need answers to calm my nerves down. So I was with my boyfriend back in June 22nd. We did stuff together. All we did really was touch each other, we never had penis and vagina sex. Anytime he came I usually swallowed, sorry if that’s gross or offensives to others. When he fingered me he was positive he didn’t have any on his hands. I was on top of him on night, both fully clothed. I had about three layers on he had two layers on. It felt a little wet so I got off and changed my pants. He grinned against me twice again fully clothed. I got my period the 28th of June and I also got it the 29th of July. I have a 31 day cycle that last three days. I don’t know why I’m worried about being pregnant, but are my chances of that happening impossible? Both my periods were pretty heavy it filled up the pads. So should I be safe? Thank you for the help for anyone who comments, I really appreciate it!