Clearblue High Fertility for DAYS.

So I’ve been using OPK’s the last 3 cycles. The first 2 cycles, I just used the Target Digital brand. As far as I know, I got positives for my LH surge on day 14 and day 15 the last 2 cycles. This 3rd cycle I’m on now, I decided to splurge and get clearblue. I’m CD 17 and I’m still getting high fertility- but no peak! I started getting high fertility on the ClearBlue OPK starting on CD 11. I’m a typical 28 day cycle and it’s rare that my periods are ever late. I did change my work schedule 2 weeks ago- could my body just be stressed from the change? I’m so worried I’m not going to peak this cycle. Has anyone else run into getting high fertility but no peak?