Need Advice? Seriously Late Period & Regular Girl!


Ladies I’m looking for some advice. I’m lucky?🙄 in that I get my period every month consistently on CD 28. In the last 2.5 yrs that my husband & I have been ttc since our vasectomy reversal, I’ve only had 2 periods that came on CD 30. I am not stressed & have had nothing going on that I can think of as to why my period would be so late. As of today it’s 16 days late but all my hpt’s are sadly coming up negative. I went for a blood test a week ago, when I was 9 days late & that showed negative also. They tested my thyroid & hormone levels...all fine. So my dr is just blowing me off that ‘it could take a few months to re-regulate.’ So clearly I’m not ok with just accepting that answer. Some women go months without a period & are ok. But what could possibly cause this in a typically regular person? At what point should I expect breakthrough bleeding? How long is it even safe to not shed your lining? I’m paranoid I’m going back soon to school (teacher) & will bleed forever lol! Will I randomly ovulate at some point & then get a period? How long is safe to not worry before I insist they do a pelvic ultrasound or induce a period with meds? Any advice from someone who went through this & why you were so late? Thank you!