for anybody consider the tri-sprintec pill! :)

I just started this birth control on Sunday(Aug 18). While it probably is too early to notice any major side effects I have noticed small things(and maybe I’m just looking too far into it) I’m about 5’6 and weigh 118-124 pounds. I am 16, an athlete, and I have never taken any other birth control or anything like that. I normally have some breakouts. I definitely would not say I have “acne” but I usually have atleast one pimple and if I have a bad breakout i maybe get 4-7 small, but noticeable pimples. Sometimes it’s worse(especially in the winter during school). Anyways, I was nervous because that was my main concern when starting this-I didn’t want my skin to worsen. On Monday I noticed I had 2 small pimples when I woke up but they were already coming in before I even started so that was nothing to worry me. Throughout the week I noticed that I haven’t had a huge appetite and after every meal I felt kind of like I had to puke. I never ended up puking, just the kind of feeling. It was nothing bad, just different cause I usually have an appetite. After eating, the food just felt gross in my mouth afterwards. My appetite has gone down but I have still been eating just fine and my weight hasn’t changed. It is now Friday the 22nd and my skin doesn’t feel any worse at all. It honestly looks pretty good and vibrant even and I don’t have any pimples. It might just be coincidence but I do think this pill might have to do with it. So far I have had a good experience and will update if something drastically changes. I came on here to look at reviews for this pill before i started it and some of these reviews scared the heck out of me cause usually when something has a chance of giving me acne, it does! but that has not happened yet and I’m happy with how it has been going :)