Baffles My Mind!!


Not to hate on people who do actually feel this way - but seriously it baffles my mind how people can be disappointed in the gender of their baby!!

I've seen a few posts on here lately of people saying "I'm one of the unlucky ones, I'm having another Boy/girl" and other things like that....

I can't get my head around it! In my personal views, a baby is a blessing no matter what their gender! Surely the only thing that should matter is that they are healthy and well??

I have a 2yo boy and am currently 8 weeks pregnant with baby No.2 and the amount of people that said to me after having him "oh I bet you hope your next baby will be a girl!"....No! I don't hope that, I honestly couldn't care what gender this one will be as long as they are happy and healthy and get here ok! That's all that matters to me.

Sorry if this upsets anyone, that was not my intention at all, just sharing my opinions 😊

If anyone does actually feel this way, please do comment! It would be interesting to hear from you and hear your side 😊

Picture of my little man cos he's the best 😍💙