My girls are here!!!


A little back story, I was pregnant with di/di twin girls. They were having issues with their umbilical cords, and measuring small. At my last measurement scan we did not see any growth. So my doctor said it was time for them to come out. He gave me another set of steroid shots and allowed me to go home before being admitted on Wednesday.

Wednesday afternoon I am admitted with my mother and sister in law there for support. My husband was at work and we had agreed he didn't need to take off of work. That is when I started to become a nervous wreck. The idea of a csection scared the crap out of me and I just wanted my girls to be healthy.

So now Thursday rolls around. August 22, they start getting me ready and my nerves get the better of me. My husband and the surgical team were great, very comforting and didn't make me feel foolish for crying like crazy lol. The head surgeon warned us that the girls might not cry right away and offered us the clear drapes. At 9:58am and 10am both my girls were born at 33w6d, both crying instantly!!! I lost it. My girls were perfectly healthy, strong, and crying. They were bigger than they were expecting. Both girls are doing great. They still have a long road ahead of them, but the are very strong and active. They will be in NICU for probably about 3weeks. I can't wait to be able to take my girls home.