PPD- recovery and advice!


Hi all you mamas!

I wanted to share my experience with you, currently 4 weeks postpartum.

My little boy was born 4 weeks ago, and to cut a long story short I had a very traumatic, long labour as well as a horrible complication from the epidural (puncture to my spinal fluid which left me bed bound for the first week). Due to being so ill, I spent my first week of motherhood in bed unable to bond fully with my baby with the guilt just building up. Plus the hormones, sleep deprivation and overwhelming transition of becoming a first time mum- it was a perfect storm for a post natal mood disorder.

I went to my doctor 3 weeks post partum, and although this may be quite quick to seek help I firmly believe that the quicker you treat any health issue- the better the recovery. I have never experienced any mental health issue before so I wanted to get on top of of it straight away. Having experienced post partum depression twice, my doctor adviced therapy and medication straight away. I was not keen to start anti- depressants, but my doctor implored me that the quicker we resolve this the more time you will get back with your baby. The medication would just help me get my balance back.

Within a week I am feeling completely myself and calm again. Although the medication is unlikely to have effected me yet- I believe it is my writing, therapy and general positivity that is leading my recovery. I have even considered coming off my medication but I have been told that with PPD recovery- you should stay on your meds for 6 months to secure your recovery.

Has anyone had a similar experience to me? My question is- how long did your recovery take and what did you do to treat yourself? And when did you decide to stop medication? I am keen to get back to normal straight away but worried it’s too soon!

Any advice welcome, thank you!