Clear blue digital opk

Tam • baby #2 on the way 😬

Me and hubby were ttc for 9 months. Some of those months no opks then tried the cheaply amazon opks and still no luck. Then we decided to give the clear blue digital opks a try. Not really cheap and can be expensive but I thought what the hell I’ll try it. If it works great if not then keep trying with the cheaply ones. 1st cycle using them got a peak, we baby danced as much as we could. Still nothing and the next cycle didn’t use any opks and kinda gave up. Then the cycle after that I thought try again with clear blue opks. Got my peak on cycle day 14 and baby danced for 2 days in a row. And guess what....we did it 😊 and currently 5 weeks 2 days.

I’m soo please with these opks. Don’t give up ladies. If you haven’t tried them, give it a go. I got mine from eBay. £15/16

Baby dust to you all ❤️