Weight loss


So I wrestled over a year or two ago and I got down to 180lbs. I was happy I weighed that little because after 6 grade I gained almost 100 lbs in two years. High school started and the weight continued to go up. I joined wrestling at the end of sophomore year and started losing. After I got to 180 and went to my tournament coach gave the girls a break for two weeks and i gained 30 lbs. now I have just been gaining and gaining and weigh 240. I hate cardio but like lifting weights. I have changed my eating habits and lost 5 lbs in 2 days. Im really happy about this but want to keep losing so if any one has tips or support on how to stay on this good track that would be much appreciated. Also my boyfriend graduates from Marine bootcamp in October and I want to surprise him and finally spend my birthday at less than 200lbs.