Sleep training - the happy sleeper

Christie • Married 💍 —2🌈 —1💙 🤰🏻baby #2 - 12/11

Hi all!

Our little man is 4 months and we decided to sleep train this last weekend using the happy sleeper method (recommended by our mommy and me class) and wanted to post a positive update!

At three months he was 15.5 lbs (a month ago) so we knew he was waking out of habit 2-3 times a night.

But He has always been a decent night sleeper and goes to back easily with a bottle in his mouth. My goal was to break the sleep associations for bed and naps. Also move him to his room. Also free from swaddle. Impossible right??

So the First night we had about an hour total of crying between bedtime and one wake up.

The next night 7am to 7pm no crying at bedtime at all

Last night 8pm to now (7:15am) no crying when put down at all. I’m so happy with this!!

Naps are a different story and terrible. They have always been terrible - 30 minutes max forever and only on a human. He still won’t sleep in the crib (just cries whole nap) so we do two stroller cat naps at the end of the day to help him get to bed time. We’re going to drop a nap today and see if he just needs to be more tired. They say naps take longer to adjust to.

Wish us luck!! ☺️☺️ And good luck to anyone who is trying!