Loss my baby 8-25-19πŸ‘ΌπŸ½

La'Shay β€’ πŸ‘ΌπŸ½8-25-19 Loss my first baby I’m so sad hubby was disappointed 😞 .. just pray and hope god bless us again with a healthy full term pregnancy.. 7 weeks etopic pregnacy.. left tube removed..

So it all started Wednesday... started to get really bad cramps at work.. came home.. my husband wanted me to take a test.. took the test it was positive.. went to the clinic and er to ensure that it was positive.. I had been spotting for about a week.. er did a vaginal ultrasound.. the doctor told me that the baby was in my left tube not the uterus πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜’ broke my heart... my husband was disappointed I’m still heart brokenπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” this was my first pregnancy.. I was starting to believe I couldn’t get pregnant 🀰.. but I was 7 weeks.. baby had a heart beat and was growing.. after giving shots of folic acid and the chemo shot.. my baby was still growing.. hcg levels went from 6000 to 8 almost 9000 so I had no choice but to do the surgery πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” had the surgery yesterday morning to end the pregnancy and I’m laying here sad just thinking about my baby and how I lost the first pregnancy I would have died forπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” because truthfully I didn’t want to get the surgery.. I just pray god heal me right and bless me again to have a full term healthy pregnancy next timeπŸ’”