It's been one of those weeks


Parents! Listen up! We have had all kinds of trouble with our wild child escaping. The whole appartment complex recognizes my naked cave baby running around. Big no no! The fear of losing him or getting hurt or kidnapped was too much. We live on a lower level appartment and some of our windows dont have screens and we dont have ac. So if we open a window withing a couple of seconds of turning your back he will have climbed out of a window and taken off. But I say no more! We are broke af and cant afford window locks but my kiddos safety cant wait till pay day (it was becoming a multiple times a day thing) and I found the cheapest and effective way of keeping our windows from being able to be escaped through! Glue a penny on the window track! Hopefully this will prevent any more toddler in danger scenarios at least with his escaping. And hopefully help another parent in need of a cheap window lock asap.