Parenting isn’t always easy

Just venting...

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make parenting harder than what it is. For us it’s the simple fact that were living on one income in Los Angeles and there’s literally nobody that can or has offered to help watch our son so that I can at least START working somewhere so then I can eventually pay a baby sitter... most times we have food and I have dinner ready and sometimes we have nothing in the fridge because bills and rent take EVERYTHING. Family has helped but ppl will only help so much. So sometimes when you see my toddler tantrum or over tired it’s because I’m trying to figure it out and we’re both frustrated.

I wish It was easier but sometimes you have to work with what you got for the moment. Sometimes I wish family will put themselves aside before telling me what I should be doing with my child. Why is he up late if he’s tired... because we came over to eat, that’s why and dinner was served late here... I just need a good cry. We’re trying very hard we have the little side jobs and yes sometimes I’ve taken my son to do postmates with me but it’s not easy nor practical... he has side jobs as well but our bills are stacked. We make “too” much for assistance so we’ve tried that too. It’s expensive to live here. Our economy is fucked and in the field we have our careers mainly take place in busy cities like Los Angeles, NY, Chicago. All of our family is here. It’s not so easy to just up and leave the very little support we do have.. 😭😩 just pray for us. Pray that I don’t lose my sanity.