Buying everything on my own.. I need a list

I’m in the military, have no family or close friends near by and i won’t be able to see my family until after baby comes. I’m about 7 weeks. This also means no baby shower or help with purchasing things. I am also paying off ALL my loans before baby arrives as well as putting $500 into savings each month so money is somewhat limited. I have about $150-200 each month to spend on baby stuff.

A stroller/car seat set is $300. A bouncer is $50, a bassinet is $200, and a pack and play is $150 here(since I can’t afford a crib). Ever thing else that costs over $100 will be purchased after baby comes. Those bigger Items I listed will be purchased closer to babies due date.

So in the mean time I want to slowly start picking away at purchasing small Items such as necessary baby clothes, first aid kits, baby tub, toys, and such. I’m getting a gender blood test done at 10 weeks so I will know gender at 11 weeks. Right now I want to focus only on the first 6 months.

So, what do I need and how many of each item?

Note: I will only be able to breastfeed for 3 months and then baby will have to be on formula because I will not have time at work to pump (and even if there is a rule about work allowing me to take breaks to pump, trust me, they won’t let me otherwise I would)