❌ Test Ban and trusting my own body? 😬 ❌

Ok so I’m on cycle day 2 and I want to try and relax this month and ban ovulation tests, taking pregnancy tests way to early etc We have been trying for 7 months.

I know I ovulate every month but my cycle can vary by 5-6 days or so. Still have a regular period of 29-34 days.

I also take my temperature everyday too.

Do you think we can still have success by just trying to BD when we can? I am a bit worried because I don’t really get EWCM in big amounts.. it’s usually watery CM.

I want to let go but still try. Has anyone tried this before? I’m worried I’m going to get half way through my cycle and then panic or worry we’ve missed our chance. However, the stress and constant testing is becoming too much. Anyone know how I can do this and not freak out? Can it help or should I keep testing just in case?

Let me know cause I’m nervous but need to do this for my own sanity 🤷‍♀️