
I've always had irregular periods since my period started at the age of eight. 18 I was told I wouldn't have children by an Obgyn. Last year I had gone a whole year without a period. So my Obgyn put me on PROVERA. Over the course of 2 months my period was on again off again 4 times total and I bled heavy for a total of 27 days! *I WAS TOLD THIS WAS NORMAL*

This month 6 months later PROVERA and the whole month of August my period stopped and started 3 times for total bleeding of 17 days! Again I was told this is normal!

I have found my life partner and want to finally start having children at 33! Any info would be helpful! My next period will be 3 months from now and soon every month. Having my period for this many days is completely exhausting! I want a REAL period every month! I'm starting from group zero. Thanks for reading God bless you!

Is it normal???