7 days late

i had sex with my fwb 9 days before my period was supposed to arrive. we are each other’s only partners so we didn’t use a condom and he didn’t pull out. i have had an iud since february and it has been working fine, i had one for 3 years previously and i never had any problems with it. normally i get cramping in the days leading up to my period but i haven’t had any and my period is 7 days late. in the past few months my iud has made my period a couple days late every month and it’s been changing a bit with spotting happening for about two weeks after my period. i’m pretty sure my body is just adjusting to the new iud and i know that iuds can change people’s period or make them go away so i’m wondering if maybe my period just went away or if there’s a possibility i could be pregnant? i’m not very worried at the moment because the only symptom i have is that my period is late. i feel fine otherwise.