Egg retrieval and ohss (unexplained infertility)


So- after egg retrieval last Wednesday (unexplained infertility) - ohss pain was so incredibly bad that we decided to freeze all eggs and not do a fresh transfer- so I’ll have to wait another month (🙇🏻‍♀️bummer) to do the transfer. I Really had no choice, I could barely walk for 4 days and the pain was unmanageable that I almost went into the ER- nonetheless do a procedure.

Good news is miraculously- they retrieved 26 eggs!!!.... and i learned today 25 were fertilized and frozen!!!!

I’ve had three chemical pregnancies in the past year and a half ttc normally. This is my first round of <a href="">ivf</a>. Hoping for good news in two weeks from the genetic testing. Fingers crossed!