Isnt Pregnancy Beautiful? 🙃

Tateyana • TatéyanaK😋~FTM~January 2020

In the past three weeks of this wonderful pregnancy I've made the mistake of wearing a big tshirt for pajamas with no panties (being sexy for the SO 😏) sneezed and peed myself in the kitchen, sat butt naked on my bed for the pre-shower phone scroll and leaked boobie milk all down my stomach and thighs without even realizing (I've also ruined a shirt while wearing a bra), and had what I thought was a fun bonding moment with my son where I tapped my belly and he would respond by kicking back only for him to violently kick my bladder several times and have me running to the bathroom for both numbers 😭 this ended our play time and he was sent to the other side of my tummy for time out 😂 anyone else have any fun pregnancy stories?