Pain and blood in stool and urine postpartum.

I am 11 weeks postpartum and the past few days I have had some scary symptoms suddenly come on. I have been experiencing lower right sided abdominal pain on and off for 5 weeks but dismissed it. Well two days ago the pain got bad and I noticed blood in my stool. I went to the doctors and he said he wasn’t concerned and it was probably constipation and hemorrhoids. I went home a and the bloody stool went away but I did start suffering from constipation, continued abdominal pain and back back. I decided to go to a walk in clinic and this doctor tested my urine and it tested positive for blood. He ordered a stat ultrasound of the ovaries, bladder and kidneys. He told me my body could just be out of whack still from delivery but I am freaking out!! Of course I googled and now I am freaking right out. Has anyone else experienced weird symptoms postpartum?