Things no one tells you about Pregnancy/Labor...


Here are mine, add yours below in comments!

- Baby Blues are real, a lot of woman get super emotional and can’t stop crying after having the baby. I cried everyday for the first 6 weeks.

- You will bleed for weeks after. Stock up on some Always discreet diapers, they are the best.

- As hard as it is to sleep during pregnancy, it is much worse after the baby gets here. Prepare to be sleep deprived for a long time to come.

- Sometime in the first 3 months after baby is born, you will question your new life as a parent. You will wonder if you were built for this and if it was the best choice. This doesn’t make you a bad person. The 4th trimester is real and hard but it will get better.

Eventually you will get the hang of this parenting thing and find yourself wanting more children.