Before I started dating my boyfriend...

I’m 16, my bf and I have been together 9 months. Last year in school , my anxiety was awful. Couldn’t sit in class that long, cut off all my friends cause I felt like they didn’t care about me anymore. I had a crap ton of friends last year and I just cut them all of cause my anxiety told me to. I don’t feel like I can be friends with them again even tho things have been better... I’m not ready for junior year. I’m scared. I only have my boyfriend and one best friend other than that I have no one. I don’t wanna contact my old friend cause she’s a cheerleader now and has a bunch of friends and I just feel like she doesn’t need me anymore and she was one of my best friends and never even reached out things just cut off silently and I guess she was ok with that. Ugh. I’m so not ready for junior year to start next week😭 sorry just letting out all my feels.