I’m the most horrible person alive

I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant.

This pregnancy has been tough on me. All I do is throw up absolutely everything I eat and all I want to do is sleep all day. I’m always overly tired.

Yesterday on National Dog Day

I slept all day since my infant daughter didn’t let me sleep as she was feeding all night.

Morning time

Came and I had left my senior dog out in the backyard as I tend to do, except this time

I didn’t check on her like I normally do since I was asleep ALLLL DAYYY.

Something felt off when I woke up at 5pm.

Something told me to go outside and check on her....

Well my furry friend passed away and it wasn’t most likely from a heat stroke. She was out in 100 Degree weather with absolutely no water.

I have been crying non stop and I hate myself for neglecting her.

I will never forgive myself for this.

How could I ever do this to my sweet sweet dog? Why couldn’t I just freaking wake up and check on her like I normally do?!!!! I literally hate myself for it and this will taunt me for life!

I love you sweet girl please

Please forgive me!!!!!!!!

Edit: I really thought I was going to get hate comments bad backlash and honestly I think I deserve it :( I feel like the worst person on earth and I appreciate the kind words. & it’s true she could have passed in her sleep since she didn’t make any noise all day long as she usually does. My mind is just completely clouded and I’m trying to find a reason to understand why she passed :,( nonetheless I thank you sweet ladies