My entire 3rd trimester was tough

Ashley • I`m 34 and a SAHM to our 3 1/2 yr old son. TTC for 15 months and now Baby GIRL is due October 14th!!!!
My entire 3rd trimester was tough. "Little Miss" was very low and I was insanely uncomfortable. I had a feeling she would come early. I saw my OB on the 22nd at 37 weeks and I was already dilated to 2cm. All that week I was having mild Braxton Hicks contractions. On Monday the 28th the contractions got pretty intense but we're very far apart. I saw my OB on Tuesday (38weeks) and I was still at 2cm, but now 70% effaced! Wednesday I felt amazing! I had tons of energy and had a great day. I later read this is a sign of labor coming soon. Thursday and Friday were a different story. I was having random contractions and shooting pains in my pelvic area. On Friday night I went to bed very uncomfortable. I woke up at 3:40am to a pop and small gush of fluid. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and peed, and fluid kept coming. I woke my husband and we called my mom to come babysit our son. We were at the hospital by 4:40. They checked me and I was at 3 cm and 100% effaced. Over the next four hours my contractions intensified and got closer together. My nurse warned me that the anesthesiologist wasn't at the hospital since it was a Saturday and said to let her know ahead of time if I wanted an epidural. At 8:30 am I requested an epidural and he arrived at 9:00. At this point I was 7cm, fully effaced, and very uncomfortable. Once I had my epidural I was able to get a little rest. At 11:30 I felt different. My nurse checked me and I was fully dilated and ready to go. She had me do two little pushes and then said to resist the urge to push until the Dr arrived. As soon as she came in she said "Oh, I can see her hair!" My little girl was so close to being born. Three pushes later and I heard her loud cry! She was immediately put on my chest and cleaned up. I cried and my husband teared up a bit. She was perfect! After some skin to skin time and a little breast feeding session she was weighed and measured. She was 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. We were so tickled at her early and fast arrival. I was thankful for a drama free and quick delivery, but bummed to learn my previous episiotomy scar left the perfect trail for a 2nd degree tear. 
Now I'm home with my sweet little Piper and we're doing well. I'm definitely sore, but seeing my little girl here at home, or with her Daddy, or in the arms of my 3 year old son make it all worth while!