

So since 2 days after my baby was born I've had to pump because my baby ended up in the NICU for over a week so because of such, I've had to do both breastfeeding and bottle because my baby struggled with breastfeeding in the beginning. we started to establish better sessions but most times he ends up needing a bottle after breastfeeding which I'm still a little unsure of why ( i think im still struggling with a good supply ) but regardless the middle of the nights he would take a bottle instead of breastfeeding and I would pump, however he is starting to sleep through the night most nights so I've been sleeping as well. by the time he wakes up in the morning which is usually around 7 I'm pretty full but he gets in a really good breastfeeding session where he actually doesn't need the bottle but I'm concerned that not pumping in the middle of the night is affecting my overall milk supply. I just wanted to get some insight on if that's true or not or if I should just wake up in the middle of the night even when he's sleeping and pump. He is almost 4 months and during the day after he eats I try to get a pump session in to maintain Supply in case he doesn't empty the breast.