Potty training!


Hey y’all!

I have some questions about what worked for y’all if you have/have started potty training. So what I’ve done so far is introduce the potty in the last 2-3 months without actually making her try to go there - accept maybe a handful of times.

In the last 1-2 weeks I’ve noticed she’ll ask me to “change diaper” when she has pee’d or pooped so I figured that was a sign that she may be ready to start potty training.

What I’ve done is bring her little potty out to the living room/ play area because it’s where we spend most of our time. I’ve taken off her diaper and am letting her go without any bottoms (we have hard wood floors so it’ll be an easy clean up if she has an accident)

This morning she has gone both poop and pee in the toilet, after me reminding her to tell me if she has to do either “so she can use the big girl potty”.

I reward her with a sticker that she can place on her potty when she has done either.

I guess my question is - should I be training her with the potty in the bathroom and bottoms on - OR should I transition her slowly into wearing bottoms (when we’re at home obviously she’s not going out in public without bottoms) & bring the toilet to the restroom once she has the hang of it ??

Sorry this was so long! Lol

Pic of my little one, just for added cuteness 😘