TMI Possible - need advice x

Hi all,

I am currently two days late for AF.

For the last week (or just over) I have had minor cramping more like a twinge, slight prickling sensations (nothing like my normal pre AF symptoms), I have sore, tender boobs - the world ends if I wake up and I realise I have slept on them!! Whilst waking up with the worlds sorest boobs I am feeling so nauseated it’s not even normal.

I have been trying to keep my mind away from thinking it could be possible pregnancy by thinking that it is just AF lurking to pounce so I have been going to the gym and swimming.

Here’s for the TMI..

In this time my discharge has been white, and somewhere in the last week when I wiped there was a speck and I mean a speak of blood. No reason for it, but there it was.

I am now 2 days late and I have super heavy watery discharge to the point that I had to leave the pool today because it was feeling as if I was about to pee myself!

Every 5 minutes I’m running to the toilet and there is so much water coming out that it actually feels a little plug popping and all this water just drops out... then I pee.

Could this be a sign of EP? or something entirely different?

Thank you!