Horrible employee... need to vent

Sarah • Wife 8/31/18 and mother to a perfect little girl 5/31/2017 and little boy 10/4/2019. Pregnant with our 3rd Due September 2021. We were expecting twins but lost baby B early on.

I have an employee with mental health problems. She constantly lies and has been caught in her lies before. She announced last week to everyone that she is pregnant. As usual when “an issue” happens with her she tell everyone else before myself or my boss of your concern/issue/something she needs. So today she told everyone that is “heavily bleeding”. She very calm and doesn’t look pale nor in pain at all. My mommy gut just doesn’t believe that she’s actually pregnant and she’s bleeding, along with everyone else that she has told.

Now, I cannot condone someone who lies about being pregnant AND on top of it lies about having a miscarriage. My currently pregnant with my second but I have many family members and friends that have struggled or cannot have children and for someone to just lie about it is just wrong.

Sorry for the long rant but I needed to get that out.

People these days 😔