So my family is CONSTANTLY up my butt about seeing my daughter (almost 10 months). My mom and I originally had picked Tuesday/Thursday for visits and then I went back to work and things got crazy. She now harasses me if she doesn’t see my daughter for what seems like a day.

My MIL will constantly complain she doesn’t see her and gives me the exact last date she did to make me feel guilty. We’ll plan a day and she’ll cancel last minute almost every time somehow in a direction toward my fault (ex: “oh you had a doctors appointment today, why don’t you spend the time to cuddle our little girl, I know how exhausting that can be” and continue to guilt trip me).

My daughter sleeps A LOT. Like way more than I feel she should, but her pedi isn’t worried. I’m lucky if she’ll stay up for 3 hour intervals (usually 2.5 hours) and she’ll nap for 1.5-2 hours. It’s impossible to work around and I can hardly get things done as it is.

My mom won’t come to my house because she’s afraid of my dogs (who are so fucking nice it’s ridiculous) so we have to venture to her and sit in her dark dungeon while it’s gorgeous out.

* I apologize because this is going all over the place but I need to get it out. *

My brother watches my daughter of Fridays while I work since we have minimal support system and my husband and I DO NOT trust our mother’s to watch her for many reasons that don’t need to be said. However, my brother has 3 kids of his own that are all finally of school age, so he’s going back to work full time and may not be able to baby sit my daughter anymore.

We’ve started looking for a nanny and I just broke the news to my mom and she is PISSED. Won’t stop texting me about horror stories she’s seen on the news and how she doesn’t understand why she isn’t good enough to watch her especially since it would save us money. Now my mom was not in the picture for me as a kid and I’m glad she wants to be there for my daughter who loves her, but my husband is uncomfortable with my mom having her and I don’t necessarily blame him. I know I would not be happy if he had his mom watching our daughter without me being comfortable, so I agreed we’d find someone we both liked.

I’m constantly stuck in the middle of drama and chaos and family harassing me to see my daughter when I can’t even work around her schedule because she’s always wanting to nap and won’t anywhere but her crib. I’m just done with everyone fighting over the time I hardly even get with her and I’m on verge of telling everyone off.